We would like to “Thank You” for registering for iCARE's Pharmacy Laws and Rules Conference via ZOOM Webinar scheduled April 13-14, 2024. Below are some helpful tips to assist you with your conference.
ZOOM Access
The first presentation begins at 8:00AM EASTERN STANDARD TIME (EST). You may join the meeting from any location and must have internet connection. You may join through a desktop computer, tablet, Ipad, or smart phone.
Below are some tips to help you get signed in.
- The meeting will start in listen only mode. This means that the presenters and facilitators will not be able to hear you, unless unmuted by the host. Be sure your volume is turned up to hear.
- It is recommended that you begin signing into the meeting at least 15 minutes prior to the start time….at 7:45AM (EST). You may be in the WAIT ROOM before we begin.
- If you have not used Zoom or similar webinar software before, you will be prompted to download a file that will run on your computer so that you can connect properly.
- You may answer questions through the CHAT feature in the webinar.
- You may ask questions of the speaker through the Q&A feature.
- If for whatever reason you become disconnected to the webinar you should be able to sign back in using the link provided in your email.
The link to join ZOOM has been sent in a separate email, which will say ‘You are invited to a Zoom webinar.’ You will receive a reminder email the day before and one hour before the meeting begins. Check your SPAM folder in case it is not in your inbox.
Presentations (Speakers handouts)
Saturday, April 13, 2024
1st Presentation: Laws and Rules Update
2nd Presentation: Pharmacy Legislative Update 2024
3rd Presentation: Update on USP 797 a and Update on USP 797 b
4th Presentation: USP 795 and 800 Critical Regulations and Key Differences
Sunday, April 14, 2024
1st Presentation: Medication Shortages Impact on Medication Errors
2nd Presentation: DEA Update
3rd Presentation: Pharmacy Inspections Is Your Pharmacy Compliant?
4th Presentation: Pharmacy Designated Person Role and Responsibilities
CE Credit
You will complete the evaluation survey at the end of each presentation. To complete the evaluation, select the presentation evaluation title from the Course Curriculum section. On the evaluation page, you will need to answer all required questions and select the "SUBMIT" button prior to the "MARK AS COMPLETED" button. Once all evaluation lessons have been marked COMPLETE, your course completion will display 100%. All lessons must be completed to receive your credit and certificate of completion. Be sure to select if you prefer Consultant or General CE credit. Instructions will be given during the meeting. It is imperative that you complete the survey form by the conclusion of the meeting so that we may process your continuing education hours and upload to CEBroker and CPE Monitor.
Important Note: To ensure that your credits have been reported to CEBroker and CPE Monitor, we encourage you to check your profiles to validate your credits were successfully transferred to the tracking systems. There are fees associated with making corrections for CEBroker and CPE Monitor for incorrect submissions.
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